


admin2022-01-12 10:43:09309



Site manage service (SMS) is a tailor-made HR service, created specifically for your company and its individual needs at any moment in time. Via SMS we can place a high number of blue-collar workers on a specific site for a specific period. So that means that essentially getting a dedicated service delivery model which can provide specialist HR teams based on each clients’ specific premises. 


So who is the SMS service directed at? Companies that have their branch offices or HQ geographically dislocated from operations, and where the numbers of workers involved are high. For companies whose requirements match these circumstances, then SMS can be a very cost-effective and efficient solution. For instance, for companies within the logistics sector, a growing need for workforce can quickly outpace the internal resources able to adequately manage staff; in fact between 2021 and 2024, e-commerce retail sales are expected to grow by almost 50%. (source: statista)


The service came about through decades of Gi Group experience in dealing with high volume of staffing requirements. Indeed SMS is particularly suitable for companies adopting labour-intensive production processes (be they warehousing, distribution centres or factories) where HQs are physically distant from the facilities which require the staff. 


How exactly does this service work? A Gi Group consultant is embedded in the client’s workplace with an average duration of stay of two weeks. Gi Group ensures that the embedded team member is just that, a team member and internal resource. This brings about cost reductions from the outset for the client, who need only make a single short term hire, as opposed to a team from a Gi Group branch. Differently from an outsourcing relationship (where the outsourcer takes on responsibility for production numbers), the inside consultant fosters an efficient team environment both in terms of numbers and quality, creating a well-rounded, competent and efficient team to take operations forward.


A huge advantage of the SMS approach is that individual workers are hired directly by the company. This means loyalty development, communications, well-being, job satisfaction, etc. are all handled directly by the employer, allowing in turn the employee to be engaged at 360° with the organisation, building a stronger, more direct and human rapport. Indeed, it is proven when employees have high empathy-based management, they are 2.77 times more likely to have high levels of trust in their organisation (source: Gartner, 2021 Hybrid Work Employee Survey).


The consultant, on the other hand, experiences full immersion into company dynamics and this leads to a better understanding of company culture, policies and practices. This in turn enables them to take a more insightful, specialised and customised approach, with added value at every stage. 


Blue-collar workers are then recruited directly by the company with the assistance of the Gi Group SMS embed, which simply put means a more direct and focused process, fostering an immediate bond with the company. The formula for success is set up right from the start via collaborative relationships. 


So who currently takes advantage of the SMS service? Many European countries with strong industrial labor markets, and the likes of China and India. Frequent clients are large multinational companies who employ high volume blue collars from the automotive, FMCG, logistics, pharma and manufacturing industries. 


In this instance, the secret to success is total integration with your business. Our mutual benefit in this endeavour is ensuring that our relationship with you is that of a partner, not simply a provider. We can only succeed by working together. Join us in working side by side towards a different and better future.


Discover more: www.gigroup.net.cn


Gi Group Holding (杰艾控股集团)是全球领先的整体招聘及雇佣解决方案供应商,在一站式人才招聘及雇佣、人才寻访与甄选、业务流程外包、人力资源咨询与培训、再就业辅导等领域处于行业领先地位。

Gi Group Holding is one of the world’s leading companies providing services for the development of the labour market. The Group is active in the fields of temporary and permanent staffing, search and selection, HR consulting and training, as well as in a variety of complementary activities. 


Contact Us

宁波市鄞州区启新路 128 号八骏湾A座1006室

Suite 1006, Tower A, No. 128 Qixin Rd., 

Yinzhou Dist., Ningbo, Zhejiang





